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Real Madrid Remain Calm on Leny Yoro Amidst Manchester United Bid


Real Madrid have maintained a composed stance regarding the Leny Yoro case, despite recent interest and a bid from Manchester United. The Spanish giants are fully aware of Yoro’s preference to join them, which has allowed them to take a relaxed approach to negotiations.

Real Madrid’s Strategy

Real Madrid’s strategy revolves around their confidence in Yoro’s desire to play for them. They are looking to secure a deal this summer that aligns with their terms, ensuring the transfer fee remains below €60 million. This approach reflects their commitment to prudent financial management while still aiming to bolster their squad with young talent like Yoro.

Future Prospects

Should the deal not materialize this summer, Real Madrid are content to wait until June 2025 when they can sign Yoro as a free agent. This long-term vision underscores their strategic patience and confidence in their ability to attract top talent. It also highlights their understanding of the player’s career aspirations and their willingness to align with those goals.


In summary, Real Madrid’s calm and calculated approach to the Leny Yoro case demonstrates their confidence in securing the player’s signature. Whether through a summer deal or waiting until he becomes a free agent, Real Madrid are poised to add Yoro to their roster under favorable conditions. This strategic patience is a hallmark of their transfer policy and a testament to their standing in world football.

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